Monday, January 22, 2007



Many thanks for the comments and suggestions on fixing my gapping problem from Julie, Laren, Allessia, Lia, and of course Mom. I really appreciate all the input. It looks considerably better I think (despite the bad lighting). At first I wasn't sure I was happy, but in comparison with the before picture, it's not bad. I used a combination of suggestions by doubling the number of hooks in the top half, sewing down the shank of the hook, and moving some back as needed. I think next time I do this I'll definite bone the edges too. I believe that may be why the green dress has no gap, despite similar hook spacing (and considerably less care in sewing them on). Thanks ladies! Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 08, 2007

dress of continual improvement

Still tinkering with the green dress. Here are the stripey sleeves. I like them a lot, but now I think I might have to edge the black guarding on the dress to match. We shall see.

And the Lady Kytson hat. It's very difficult to model this hat without feeling ridiculous. In all of the other pictures, I had some sort of "no seriously, I'm not really here" facial expression, so you get the goofy one. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 07, 2007

wool doublet

I'm a bit behind schedule with taking pictures of this outfit. It's been done since the fall. The brown wool is coat weight, and so the cuts are unfinished. The red wool behind is the same as in the skirt, and the stitching is actually 4-ply wool sock yarn left over from something else. It's worn over a smock and the effigy corset. In the closeup, you can see that it tends to gap, despite not actually taking any strain due to the underlayer. I'm thinking about adding a placket or possibly using lacing rings behind the hooks.

I also think I might add a brown wool guard to the bottom of the skirt. It's a very comfortable outfit, *provided* that it's cold out! Wool, wool, and more wool! Posted by Picasa