Monday, April 25, 2005

sleeves part 2

Lousy weather this weekend, but good for sewing. I did lots of fiddly hand-sewing this weekend, but the sleeves are done except for figuring out how to attach them to the bodice. I think I'm leaning towards tying them on (as opposed to hook and eye or buttons or something), but I'm procrastinating doing the eyelets until I make up my mind for sure. Here's the sleeve lying flat on my cutting board. It's kind of sad-looking all uninflated like this, but you can see the slits along the back that will hopefully be filled with camicia puffs. I say hopefully since I haven't actually tried it.

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I had all sorts of ribbon angst this weekend. I didn't have enough to bind everything as I planned....more math dumbness I suppose. However, by taking the binding off of the bottom of the sleeve, shortening the sleeve by an inch, and doing some franken-sleeve piecing of the binding, it worked out. It makes the panes slightly less puffy, but at least everything matches. The dress engineer, while disappointed that he didn't get poke me with marking pens or anything, did manage to venture some opinions about placement of beads and whatnot.

Anyway, here's my trying on my sleeve over a random shirt. I found out that it's hard to take pictures of your own arm, but the photographer was asleep. I'll have to take some more attractive pictures later.

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1 comment:

Julebug said...


So jealous. Yes, I must get to work again. hehe.

Those are beautiful! And I adore the use of the beading to cover up "sewing places of interest." Your bead clusters are so cute!

Can't wait to see pics of the camica poking out!