Wednesday, June 15, 2005

stupid partlet

Ok, so the partlet is officially done. It is also officially going in a storage bin, not to be seen again for a very long time. If ever. It's not that it didn't come out nicely, 'cause it did. Which it should have, given all the effort. I finished the trim this morning, snapped a few photos, pinned it in place, and looks stupid with the dress. It's a combination of factors really....the clashing color, the clashing motif, the fact that the mesh size is too large given the narrower shoulders that I did (not enough repeats visible). It just generally looks bad. Kind of made me a bit sad this morning, but oh well. I'll keep it just in case in the future I ever make a dress that would work with it. Like maybe a solid-colored dress. Or one with period shoulder straps. Or Anita's red velvet even. If it happens to be the right size and shape for her dress, which we'll just have to see.

At any rate, since I'd taken the pictures this morning, here you go. This is a close-up of the edging. I've also put in a piece of the original stuff I was using for cording and a piece of the braided trim I made with it. I used the loopy braiding technique used for junior high friendship bracelets to do this while camping this weekend, which is just bizarre, since it appears that Julie was using the same technique to make attachment loops for her sleeves this weekend. Sometimes it's vaguely alarming how much we think alike.

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And here we have the poor pathetic partlet spread out on my not-at-all-vacuumed carpet. I took any number of shots, all without getting at least the cat's head in the picture. He was pretty fascinated by it.

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Actually, he either was trying to tell me how awful it was, or he really wanted his head scratched. Here's the sequence of photos as he rolls his tubby little self all over my nice new partlet. And manages to immobilize me in the process.

 Posted by Hello

Either way, the cat won. The partlet lost. And good riddance.

So that about wraps it up for this outfit, and a whole three days early to boot. Yes, I know that I could try to put together another partlet. But I'm partlet-ed out, thanks. I'll wear it with a bare bosom and lie to myself that I'm going to make a replacement for October. Probably no more posts until this weekend, when the lovely Julie, Anita, and I will be testing these out for the first time. Cheers!


Julebug said...

Awww, the his-royal-fluffiness is just so cute.

Big bummer about the partlet, all that work for your closet... Very frustrating, but lets look on the brightside:
You won't get fishnet tanlines on your bosoms! ;-)

Anonymous said...

You know making the parlet was totally called for just to get those fantabulous shots of Sir Tribble. If he really is being that big of a pest, he can come live with me and you can have the Porcine Queen Amber.

I love your partlet, but I yearn to see it closer so please PLEASE don't store in yet or I will have to whine and pout to see it. Alternatively, I could fuss at you like I fussed at Julie to use the macro setting on your camera (Tulip). I am all about the tulip setting.

Julie is right, there is an upside (though I prob would just wear it anyways since I am hard headed) you will not get fishnet tanlines. Remember my glorious boobage PacMan tan last year. Snicker.

Beth said...

No need to fuss. I did use flower mode actually, on the close-up of the trim. Flower mode doesn't work so well on Tribble. Actually, any picture with his royal-buttheadedness in it doesn't come out so well, since the camera automatically focuses on one of his myriad hairs.

Julebug said...

Oy! I just realized I never got to look at your sequestered partlet admist all our fun/confusion/excitement/lateness. I humbly request its presence in October! ;-)

Please? Pretty please?