Friday, June 09, 2006

tinkering with wool

So I've done a little bit of tinkering with wool embroidery. I'll be the first to say that I know not a darn thing about embroidery beyond backstitch and cross-stitch, but apparently I'm catching on to chain-stitching too. This is wool floss on black linen, started at the VA renaissance faire. It was supposed to turn into a needle case, but seems to be much too big, so it'll be the ubiquitous sweetbag instead. I'm trying to randomly teach myself some stitching with it. Like satin stitch, and um....more chain stitch maybe. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I think this'll look nicer than a plain black pouch. Either that or it'll look like something I did in kindergarten. Either way is ok really.

The design I'd scribbled out is this, which is what happened when I squinted my eyes at the inside of a blackworked dress? collar? partlet? worn by Mary Tudor. I changed the 8 petals to 5 because....I just felt like it. Also, the Tudor rose and all that. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stunning. I really do prefer the 5 vs 8 (partially since 5 just the perfect number) as it has the right balance and I thought of the tudor rose when I was reading your post. I cannot wait to see how this turns out :)