Now then, since Julie put up her to-do list, I thought maybe I ought to actually consider what needs doing by Friday. Really I’ve got a couple of options. I was thinking of wearing the green dress on day and the loose gown the other. Here’s what I’d need to do to make each happen.
If I want to wear the loose gown and French hood:
1. Finish the sleeve embellishment on the loose gown.
2. Line and edge the gown.
3. Cover the hood, sew on jewels, and make the veil.
4. Hem the kirtle.
5. Add my silly little “utility loops” to the kirtle. That or put a pocket in the surcoat.
6. Make a silk sash to hang the girdle pendant on.
7. Find something to hang my Madonna miniature on.
If I want to wear the new-and-improved (yet again) green dress ensemble.
1. Add loops to the armholes of the bodice for the sleeve points.
2. Replace the hat-feather and put a pin on there.
3. Starch the heck out of my poor little wilted partlet.
4. Maybe take up the hem on the grey underskirt as I was tripping on it last time. Maybe not though, since the terrain will be flat this time.
Clearly the green dress is a quicker option, but I didn’t spend all weekend sewing so I could wear an old dress. I think the green dress list could readily be done the night before if I get in a bind, so the plan is to finish whatever I can of the loose gown outfit by Friday. If it’s not wearable by then, I’ll switch gears.
Oh, and here’s the French hood picture that I was modeling mine after (William Brooke, 10th Lord of Cobham and his Family by an artist of the British School, 1567), taken with appreciation from I’m particularly fond of the one on the lady on the right with the little point in the middle, although I’m going to go a row of billiaments at the front too.