Saturday, October 28, 2006

i see london. and possibly france.

New underpinnings! The Queen Elizabeth effigy corset, courtesy of the Tudor Tailor. (Have I mentioned how much I love that book? And that I'm within a size of the example patterns? Can I get a "huzzah"?) Executed in navy blue duck with pale blue edging. Boned with 3/8" electrical ties. Plus some super tacky flannel drawers. Ugly, but necessary to play dress-up outside in November. They should be quite cozy under the farthingale.


And the back view. I do love the "racer" style straps, as they are assuredly staying put on the shoulders. Very nice that.


And a close-up. The flannel britches are pretty low-slung by design, strictly for ye olde privy convenience. They've got elastic instead of ties for much the same reason. I'm pretty sure if I tried to mess with ties under my 10 pounds of skirts and whatnot, would be bad. Very bad.


A pretty easy task, not counting how eternal it is to bind 34 eyelets by hand. I even finished the inside seams (gasp!) because I think this one is a keeper. Third time's the charm perhaps, but this is the most comfortable corset yet, and also the most inclined towards the ideal cone shape.

Next up: a warm wool kirtle in olive. Making a total three green dresses. No, I'm not in a rut. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Those are amazing underpinnings!
I love your corset...great colours.

Anonymous said...

I too am in love with the corset (and color). Fantastic undies :)

Julebug said...

Oooh, I love it all, but I'm particularly happy about the bloomers--that is a cute little underwear ensemble!

Beth said...

Thanks ladies! The color was kind of by default since the fabric store was out of plain duck. I think I ended up liking it better though.

Anonymous said...

Dear Beth,
I just had to let you know that I gave my girlfriend your blog address and she was blown away. I hope you don't mind, it's bragging rights we are talking about here. And I must say it feels really good. Love Aunt Tina

Abigael said...

I want that book... I love the corset!! And I need an effigy corset. You've inspired me. ;-)