Monday, October 10, 2005

three for me, one for him

So I did some thinking over the weekend, and I think I really am going to follow the "three for me, one for him" rule that Julie instituted. Actually, I think it was going to be "two for me, one for him" originally. And considering that, I suppose we could go for the 4-1 ratio next, which is tempting.....but no. No. Certainly not. We're going to be good and next make updated outfits for our loyal husbands, who have to put up with all of this costuming stuff strewn about our homes. Right Julie? Um....Julie?

Ok then, so the plan for the guys is for them to have sort of generic late period doublet/slops/capes ensembles with pinking and embellishment and fun stuff like that. With any luck, these will be sufficiently middle-of-the-road to be wearable alongside our existing Venetians and various planned English and Spanish stuff. Which we are definitely not doing until the husbands get their new duds. Definitely not. Right Julie? For Aaron, the faithful dress engineer, I'm planning on using as a basis on of the outfits from Patterns of Fashion. It's the first doublet and slops in the drawings section, one of the Medici kids. I can't for the life of me remember his name at the moment. At any rate, I'd like to scale that up and then see what sort of waist and shoulder treatments I'd like. That sort of thing. For the cape, I persuaded him to look at various styles in PoF, and he prefers something circular and about hip-length. He particularly likes the dark red velvet one with yellow satin appliques. I happen to have some dark red cotton velvet (or maybe velveteen, I don't actually know the difference, sadly), so he might be getting it in that. I think I'm going to hold off on deciding, though, until I can find some appropriate fabric for the rest of the get-up. I am having some difficulty deciding on a color scheme, so it'll probably just be whatever I find. Adam's "thunderhosen" will be in a severe black and cream combo, so I want to make sure I pick something quite different. Aaron's pretty partial to color anyway.

It may take me a bit of hunting to find fabrics that I like, so in the meantime, the first step is going to be a new blackworked shirt. He likes his old shirt, but it's on such a heavy linen that it's rather warm and drags down some. Also, while I do like the blackwork on his first one,

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I also don't like his old doublet due to a lousy fabric choice; I'm kind of bummed about that, since I do like the couching and the thread-wrapped buttons. I digress. Hopefully this evening, I can swing by and pick up some linen to start on the shirt. And also perhaps whatever supplies I need to transfer designs....many advance thanks to Laren, who is being so kind as to tell us how she does it! I've always either counted or free-handed before, so I'm looking forward to trying this.


Julebug said...

Such a wonderous rule I've instated. If only I'd said "4 for me...."

But yes, it is definitley their turn. Lucky boys. ;) I *think* adam and aaron picked different cloaks. Adam's is a full circle one, too, but I seem to remember seeing it on the top right of some page. hehe. No doubt they'll look completely different, either way--there's no way we'd big the same embellishment designs.

Beth said...

Yah, no matter. Let me know which one he liked and I'll ask Aaron to pick something different. He was possibly only humoring me anyway.

Julebug said...

Poo. You've started getting spam comments. That happened to me on all my blogs, which is why i have to have word confirmation for my comments now. P-i-t-a spammers.

We'll compare cloaks soon. When I get home, i'm fairly dying to look through janet with my new fabric ideas!

Laren said...


If you and Julie, can't track the transfer pencils down, let me know and I will send you guys over a couple.


Beth said...

Laren - Thanks so much for your kind offer! I actually found one locally last night, so I'm looking forward to trying it out this weekend.

Take care!