Thursday, March 31, 2005

julie is amazing

Really she is. She's come up with a blackwork design for me. The last time I did this, I ended up with a free-handed, made up as I went, not-having-much-to-do-with-the-renaissance sort of pattern. It looked something like this:

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Julie raised the bar. She raised it to something requiring counting. She even raised it to something requiring counting in half stitches. It's the flaming onion!

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I love it. Julie did a nice job of documenting her myriad inspirations for this, so instead of trying to do the same, I direct you to her site.

Three cheers for Julie.

1 comment:

Julebug said...

I do think it is a lovely design, and I'm so glad you like it! No doubt a week from now your post will be "Julie is ____", where you curse me for being overly complicated and taking you down with me... Mwaaah-hahaha.

I'm quite sorry bout the half stitches. I shoulda asked your aida sqaure count before I designed. Beginner's folly. (Mental note for next time.)
As industrious and talented as you are, I suspect it'll come out wonderfully despite my mistake.

And just for the record, I was so impressed with your first chemise (not to mention A's doublet) that I was scared to try blackwork myself. I did not know blackwork existed before Beth! Thank you!