Tuesday, May 03, 2005

pleating like mad

I spent yesterday evening pleating up my skirt. I have long since decided not to line this skirt, mostly because it will be hot enough already and partly because I don't have enough fabric on hand to do so and I'm cheap. However, I thought that a little bit of padding in the pleats would be nice. To that end, I cut 3-inch strips of hideous yellow felt and zig-zagged them onto the top edge of my tube skirt. I then folded it over and ran three parallel rows of stitches through to pleat it. 3 inch strips seemed to be a nice compromise between providing a little extra lift to the skirt and having a shelf around my butt. Here's the view from the inside:

 Posted by Hello

And here's the outside:

 Posted by Hello

I forgot to take a picture of how nicely I matched the pattern on the skirt seams for Anita. Anita, you'll just have to take my word for it. Aaron approved. He's as particular about that stuff as you, so I think you'll like it.


Anonymous said...

Symmetry and butt pooffage? I am besides myself. Really!

So very awesome.

Julebug said...

I'm a great fan of the taxi-cab felt.

And I fully approve of the lighter weight skirt. I am fairly certain I'll not be lining the skirt of my next dress, either, since I think it adds entirely too much bulk.

Keep it comin', darlin.